This conference will take place in Freiburg from May 21-23, 2025 in honour of Ernst Eberlein's birthday. The conference will feature leading invited speakers in stochastic finance and a poster session highlighting contributions from young researchers
Laura Ballotta (London) Eva Lütkebohmert-Holtz (Freiburg) Jan Kallsen (Kiel) Antonis Papapantoleon (Delft) Thorsten Schmidt (Freiburg)
Confirmed invited speakers
Giovanni Barone-Adesi (Lugano) |
Ales Cerny (London) |
Christa Cucchiero (Vienna) |
Freddy Delbaen (Zurich) |
Thomas Gehrig (Vienna) |
Hélyette Geman (New York) |
Kathrin Glau (London) |
Zorana Grbac (Paris) |
Friedrich Hubalek (Vienna) |
Monique Jeanblanc (Paris) |
Jean Jacod (Paris) |
Yuri Kabanov (Besancon) |
Ioannis Kyriakou (London) |
Alex Lipton (Abu Dhabi) |
Dilip Madan (Maryland), |
Johannes Muhle-Karbe (London) |
Nakahiro Yoshida (Tokyo) |
Wolfgang Runggaldier (Padova) |
Gerhard Stahl (Hannover) |
Michael Sørensen (Copenhagen) |
Josef Teichmann (Zurich) |
Note: Try to book your hotel early - there is already a large demand on hotel rooms on the targeted date. Information about the schedule and further details will follow soon.
Past news